Bhagyale Bachekaharu (Nepal Earthquake: Heroes, Survivors and Miracles)

This documentary is about the miracles that took place after the devastating twin earthquakes that struck Nepal in 2015. Incorporating live footages of the earthquakes, the heroic rescues, and interviews with survivors, the film provides a firsthand witness of the tragedy.
Ganesh Panday
Mr. Ganesh Panday is a broadcast journalist and a filmmaker based in Kathmandu. Bhagyale Bachekaharu (Nepal Earthquake: Heroes, Survivors and Miracles) bagged the Best Documentary Award and Public Choice Award in Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival (KIMFF) in 2015. His other documentaries include The Last Message, The Resurrected, and The Brave Sister.

Other Info:
Previous Screenings and Awards:
Opening film of Kathmandu International Film Festival (KIMFF), December 10, 2015.
Kathmandu International Film Festival (KIMFF) – Best Documentary Award and Public Choice Award, 14th December, 2015.
More than 20 Screenings in Nepal. Kathmandu, Kaski, Chitwan, Baglung, Khotang, Kapilbastu, Tanahu, Gorkha, Lamjung, Nawalparasi ETC.
Nepalese Community in Australia (Sydney, Perth and Melbourne)
Nepalese community for Malaysia
Wisconsin University Madison, USA, Organized by Nepal Student Union- Madison.
City University New York, Organized by Collage for Mass Communication and Journalism.
Opening film of Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival (KIMFF), 2015
10. Festival gorniskega Filma, Slovenia, 15 Feb, 2015
Noida International Film Festival, New Delhi, India, 7 Feb, 2015