This humorous short revolves around Ramakanta and Tulasi, who are out and about shopping in Kathmandu for the upcoming Nepali festival, Dashera. Because of their inter-caste marriage, they cannot visit their families during the festival as they have been ostracized. The couple bicker; blame each other and the turbulent times. But in an estranged world, they do not have a choice but to be their for each other.
Saayad Ashok
Saayad Ashok is a writer, actor, director and translator. He has worked in feature films such as Shoonya as an actor and Khahare 91.1 for screenplay and dialogues. He was a writer and director for the documentary A box can change in collaboration with Education Pages & UNICEF and a writer for the short film "Janmadinko Upahaar".He is trained in theatre acting from Actors' Studio Nepal and has been actively involved in art fraternity since 2007.
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Previous Screening:
2014 Eka Deshma - Festival De' Contemporary Cinema, Kathmandu