Indreni Khojdain Jada (Chasing Rainbow)
This fiction drama centers on the life of three siblings who have migrated to Kathmandu - centre of the Nepali universe. The siblings are young, modern, educated, fun loving, and usually full of life, but with limited access to materialistic privileges. This small budget film abandons cinema’s traditional dramatic motifs and uses handheld shots and improvised dialogues successfully blurring the lines of cinema and real life. It is a touching and telling story of youth, family, migration and dreams that get entangled in the urbanized and globalized Kathmandu.
Sahara Sharma
Sahara Sharma, a twenty-five year old filmmaker had previously tried her hands in music videos and short films. Her film ‘By My Troth' was selected as one of the top 5 films in the Tony Blair Faith Shorts - a world wide short film competition in 2012. She has also directed short films for MTV Staying Alive. Before venturing into films, she was a full time journalist with Republica - an English National Daily published from Kathmandu for more than 2 years. Chasing Rainbow is her first feature film.
Other Info:
Previous Screening:
2013 Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival